Do you need financing to start a business, buy an existing business, or grow your business?

Do you represent a lending institution who wants to refer your customer for financing?

Call 208-746-0015

CEDA’s loan programs have provided $20 million in direct loans, leveraging an additional $30 million in private financing and investment for 340 small business projects across the region!

Download Application Packet
Partners Supporting our Program: 

Local Capital Contributors

  • Banner Bank
  • Umpqua Bank
  • US Bank
  • Zions Bank
  • CEDA Membership

Program Volunteers

  • Banner Bank
  • Creason, Moore, Dokken, and Geidl, PPLC
  • US Bank
  • Potlatch #1 Financial Credit Union
  • Zions Bank
  • Idaho Central Credit Union

Loan Programs Offered

  • US Department of Commerce EDA Revolving Loan Fund
  • USDA Rural Development Intermediary Relending Program
  • USDA Rural Development Rural Business Enterprise Grant Program
  • USDA Rural Micro-entrepreneur Assistance Program
  • Idaho Small Business Revolving Loan Fund (Click HERE for a Fact Sheet)


The goal of CEDA’s Small Business Finance Program is to promote economic diversification of the five‐county region in north central Idaho and a four‐county region of southeast Washington.

CEDA offers a variety of financing options to small businesses located in north central Idaho and is authorized under the USDA-IRP program to lend to small businesses located in southeast Washington.  Viable business development projects that do not qualify for conventional financing but will result in the creation or retention of employment opportunities, including self-employment, in the Idaho counties of Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis, and Nez Perce; and in the Washington counties of Asotin, Columbia, Garfield, and Whitman may be eligible.

Eligible use of loan proceeds include land, buildings, equipment, and/or inventory involved in the start-up, expansion, or retention of viable business development projects that diversify or compliment the local and regional economy.        

The maximum loan amount available through CEDA is dependent upon project location, the number of jobs impacted, the economic impacts of the project and/or the consistency with local and regional economic development plans and facilities.

CEDA provides direct technical assistance to existing and potential small business owners and managers to help with start-up, expansion, or retention of small businesses.  Specific assistance may include business planning; guidance through the loan application process; help with deal structuring; and/or ongoing follow-up and counseling after the loan.

The public/private partnership that comprises CEDA provides for a variety of financing options to small businesses located in north central Idaho and southeast Washington.

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