CEDA Receives Two Idaho Grant Awards
The Clearwater Economic Development Association (CEDA) recently received funding awards to provide outreach, education, and strategic plan development in north central Idaho, which meets the agency’s goals to serve community and workforce development. This is a new and exciting opportunity for CEDA.
Under the Department of Health and Welfare’s Get Healthy Idaho Initiative, CEDA was awarded a competitive $100,000 grant dedicated to the cities of Orofino and Kamiah to help community members build healthy and resilient communities. The Clearwater River Corridor Collaborative initiative partners include the cities of Orofino and Kamiah, Clearwater and Lewis Counties, Public Health-Idaho North Central District, Nimiipuu Health, Kootenai Health, and school districts, among others.
CEDA is the third local recipient of GHI funding in the state. The project will form a local team and develop an implementable Community Action Plan. Get Healthy Idaho anticipates funding for the awarded community for up to four years. Subsequent years will include development and implementation of projects that address and mitigate health challenges in the corridor.
The second award CEDA received is through the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children. CEDA will convene a collaboration of essential stakeholders to build partnerships among local existing experts in early childhood education to offer affordable, comprehensive early learning opportunities. The goal is to increase the success and viability of early learning centers which will improve long-long education development of young people and support the area workforce. The $50,000 grant ends December 2023; the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children anticipates program funding will be available for both 2024 and 2025.