CEDA Responds to Calls to Develop Supply Chains for Local Foods.
In response to the growing interest in consumption of locally produced foods, CEDA is prepared to apply for and implement the USDA Rural Development Meat and Poultry Intermediary Lending Program (MPILP) that was announced in the summer of 2022. This USDA Rural Development program is intended to create a more resilient, diverse, and secure U.S. food supply chain. The program at CEDA will serve an eight-county area of NC Idaho and SE Washington with loans at favorable interest rates and terms.
The MPILP offers considerable flexibility and local decision making. Eligible borrowers include both custom cut and USDA certified shops engaged in the processing of locally produced meat and poultry for human consumption. Eligible uses of the loan funds include nearly anything associated with starting or expanding the business including real estate, facilities, equipment, and working capital.
CEDA has 24 years of intermediary lender experience under USDA Rural Development programs so is uniquely positioned in this region to administer the MPILP once awarded. The potential for receiving the award as well as the amount allocated to this region is impacted by the level of interest from local meat and poultry processors. Those potentially interested in obtaining funding for a meat and / or poultry processing facility and those that would like to help ensure the program is set up to best meet local needs should contact John Lane at the CEDA office to explore this program further and determine how best get involved.
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