A primary role of CEDA is engaging in economic development and helping the region keep pace and prosper in today’s competitive environment. Every five years CEDA develops a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) called Pathways to Accelerate North Central Idaho.

While required by the EDA to maintain the designation as an Economic Development District, the CEDS process is about more than simply crafting a plan. It provides an impetus and independent forum for bringing leaders together from all sectors of the region. It helps identify pressing needs and long‐range goals for the region.

More importantly, the EDA planning process serves as the foundation for obtaining implementation funds for important projects benefiting businesses and residents. This process is a conduit for extensive cooperation among various public, private and citizen partners.

Economic development planning staff support projects on behalf of economic industry clusters that benefit individual businesses in the region. Funding for the regional economic planning program is provided by a three‐year renewable grant from the EDA, membership dues and contracts for service.

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